Last Updated: April 2, 2024

At Spiral Path Consulting, we understand your privacy is important. This Privacy Policy describes the types of personal information and data we may receive and collect from you, how we safeguard your information, and how you may control the collection, correction, and deletion of your information. When you choose to use or make purchases on our website, participate in our educational series, submit an inquiry, join our newsletter or interact with us in any other way (collectively, our “Services”), this Privacy Policy will apply unless the product or service displays, references, or links to a different privacy policy. We will only process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable data protection and privacy laws.

Information We Collect

We collect information and data when you visit or interact with our website, register for or attend an event organized by or hosted by us (e.g., our educational series), subscribe to our newsletter, purchase our products or services, respond to a survey, fill out a form, or otherwise contact us. You may choose not to provide your personal information, but if that information is necessary for us to provide certain aspects of our Services, we may not be able to provide those aspects of our Services to you.

Information You Choose to Submit

Please be mindful about any personal information you choose to include when you post a comment on our website or social media properties. The content of comments posted on our website or social media properties is public, not private or confidential. When you create an account with us, purchase our products or services, or attend an event organized or hosted by us, we may collect your name, email, address, phone number, credit card or other payment information, and other information you provide, as appropriate. You may refuse to supply personal information to us; however, that may prevent us from providing you with access to certain parts of our Services.

Information We Automatically Collect

When you interact with our website, cookies and other similar technology allow us to automatically collect personal information about you and the device you use, such as how you access and use our website, browser name, type of device, and other technical information (e.g., operating system, internet service provider). A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your device. The cookies we use are designed to help us provide you with a better experience when you browse our website, to improve our platform, and to otherwise enhance your experience. If you do not wish to receive cookies, most browsers have an “options” or “preferences” menu that will allow you to change your cookie settings; however, if you choose to refuse cookies, that may prevent you from experiencing the full functionality of our website.

Third Party Sources

We may occasionally obtain information from third parties, including trusted partners with whom we jointly provide services, applications and services that make users’ information available to others (e.g., social networks), and publicly available sources (e.g., government databases, online searches). We protect information obtained from those third party sources according to this Privacy Policy, plus any additional restrictions that may be imposed by the third party source.

How We Use Your Information

We use any personal information we have gathered for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy or otherwise disclosed to you at the time of collection. For example, we use your personal information to:

  • Provide and deliver our Services, respond to your questions, and otherwise provide customer support;
  • Send you information (e.g., confirmations, updates, support messages, and administrative messages);
  • Operate and improve our business and Services (e.g., payment processing, and business analytics); and
  • Communicate with you about new developments, upcoming events, and other non-essential or promotional information about Spiral Path Consulting and our Services.

How We Share Your Information

We only share your personal information with your permission or as necessary to complete your transactions or provide the Services you have requested or authorized. For example, when you provide payment information, we share that information with banks or other entities as necessary for payment processing, fraud prevention, credit risk reduction, or other related financial services.

We may share your personal information with trusted vendors or agents working on our behalf for the purposes described above. For example, our accountant, website host, cloud-based business services, and other service providers may need access to personal information to provide their services. Our current vendors include:

  • Gsuite email, calendar, document creation + storage
  • Zoom video conferencing
  • Mailchimp email marketing platform
  • Google Domains website domain
  • WP Engine website hosting
  • WordPress content publishing
  • Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress
  • WP Mail SMTP plugin for WordPress
  • U.S. Postal Service mailing + delivery

Those service providers must adhere to data privacy and security requirements, and they may not use personal information they receive from us for any other purpose. We may also disclose personal information as part of a corporate transaction, such as a merger, transfer, or sale of all or a portion of our business or assets.

We may access, transfer, disclose, and preserve personal information when we believe it is necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations, respond to a subpoena, search warrant, or other lawful request, protect you or other clients, operate and maintain the security of our Services and related business operations, and protect our rights or property.

As a final note, we may share content as part of our Services, including links to the sites and services of our instructors, service providers, and other third parties. We do not control the content or links that appear on their sites and are not responsible for their content, links, services, privacy practices, or other policies. Browsing or interacting with any other website or company, including those listed or linked to in our Services, is subject to that website’s or company’s policies.

How We Protect Your Information

To protect your personal information, we have implemented and strive to maintain reasonable, commercially acceptable safeguards appropriate to the nature of the information we collect and store. However, no website, internet transmission, method of electronic storage, or security system is completely secure. Therefore, we urge you to take appropriate steps to keep your personal information safe, such as choosing not to send personal information through insecure email and closing your browser when finished using our Services or those of any other website on a shared device or unsecured network.

Your Choices About Your Personal Information

Communications Preferences

You will receive certain communications from us that are essential to the Services we provide to you or are otherwise required by law. However, you may choose whether or not to receive non-essential, promotional communications from us. If you change your mind, you may always contact us as described in those promotional messages or at the bottom of this Privacy Policy. 

Access, Correction, Deletion

You may request access to, correction of, or deletion of your personal information by contacting us as described at the bottom of this Privacy Policy. We may decline your request if: (i) we are unable to verify you are the person to whom the data relates, (ii) it could adversely affect the rights of another person, or (iii) it is unreasonable, excessive, or prohibited.

Browser Cookie Controls

Most browsers accept cookies by default, but you may set your browser to delete or reject cookies. If you delete or reject cookies, that may affect your ability to access the full functionality of our site and related Services. 

Do Not Track Signals

Some browsers allow you to activate “Do Not Track” signals, which are sent to websites you visit. There is not yet a common understanding or industry standard regarding how to interpret or comply with these signals, and we do not have mechanisms in place to respond to these signals. Instead, we recommend you use the other tools above to control the collection and use of your personal information.

Retention and Processing of Personal Information

We retain your personal information consistent with our general data retention and backup policies, which is necessary to provide our Services and for other essential purposes such as complying with our obligations to you, enforcing our agreements, and resolving any disputes that may arise. Our actual retention periods can vary widely based on the type of data, nature of the relationship, and our legal and other obligations.

The personal information we collect is stored primarily in the United States. However, that information may also be stored and processed wherever our service providers maintain facilities. We use our best efforts to ensure the personal information we collect is processed as described in this Privacy Policy and as required by applicable law.

European Data Protection Rights

If the processing of your personal information falls under European Union data protection laws, you may request access to, correction of, or deletion of your personal information. To the extent any automatic processing of your personal information is based on a contract with you or other consent from you, you may transfer or receive a copy of your personal information in a usable and portable format. If the processing of your personal information is based on your consent, you may withdraw consent at any time with respect to future processing. Under certain circumstances, you may object to or restrict the processing of your personal information. For residents of France, you may send us specific instructions regarding the use of your personal information after your death. To make any of these requests, please contact us as described at the bottom of this Privacy Policy. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority; however, we encourage you to contact us first so we may answer your questions or address and resolve your concerns.

California Residents

If you reside in California, you have the right to request more detailed information about how your personal information is shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes. At this time, we do not share your personal information with third parties for direct marketing purposes. Additionally, if you unsubscribe from our newsletter, we will delete your name and email from associated databases.

Children under age 13

Our Services are not intended for children under the age of 13. and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children. If you are under the age of 13, you are prohibited from using all interactive portions of our Services. We will delete any child’s personal information we may inadvertently receive as soon as we become aware it was collected.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We will update this Privacy Policy occasionally to reflect changes in the law, our personal information collection and use practices, our Services, and advances in technology. When we post those changes, we will revise the “Last Updated” date at the top of this Privacy Policy. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you or obtain your consent, which could include notifications through our website, via email, or as otherwise may be required by law. Please review any changes carefully. Your continued use of our Services following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy will mean you consent to and accept those changes. If you do not consent to any changes, you may cease using our Services and contact us to request deletion of your personal information.

Contact Us

We welcome any questions, comments, complaints, or requests you may have regarding our privacy practices. Please contact us by email or mail at:

Spiral Path Consulting

Re: Privacy Policy

10 Dawson Pl

Asheville, NC 28803