When we think about equity work as a practice, it means we are always seeking to grow, connect, listen and learn, manifest new strategies, honor our communities, and evolve. It is a path that is ever expanding and ever changing – as are we.

We accompany groups on this spiral path with the following offerings.

Deepen your culture of belonging

Organizations that build an accountability culture can hold conflict with care, navigate interpersonal power dynamics, and honor complex identities. A culture of belonging allows us to be our authentic selves, learn, practice, and grow in community. We believe that together we can learn what it means to be in right relationship with each other and to be guided by our values for liberation.

We offer workshops grounded in healing justice, ritual and reflection, storytelling, courageous dialogue, and a shared commitment to a lifelong practice.

Collaborate with Spiral Path

Developing a shared understanding of racial equity

Introducing racial equity work into your organization is about making a commitment to being in a community of practice. Racial equity work invites us to understand ourselves and our work more deeply and intentionally. Together we explore personal and collective experiences of ancestry, healing justice, history, power, and the structures that continue to hurt people and this earth every day. This work is deeply intersectional as we name patterns of extraction, exploitation, exclusion, enforcement, erasure, and elimination that are impacting us all. We believe these spaces of learning and courageous conversations allow us to align more deeply with our values and open space for transformative change.

We offer foundational and advanced workshops that introduce shared language and frameworks around structural racism and other oppressions as well as approaches to growing your racial equity strategies and practices.

Listening to and learning from your community

Listening + Learning is a chance to be curious about your impact in the world and people’s experiences of being in relationship with you and your work. It is also an opportunity to begin naming “choice points” – crossroads that are before you where intentional and strategic choices can be made. We believe in the importance of seeking out the wisdom of your communities, particularly those most impacted, to strengthen your discernment and guide your path.

We offer a range of approaches for asking the right people the right questions at this moment in your learning journey. These can include interviews, online assessments, story circles, and audits.

Building an equity action plan

Equity action planning intentionally grounds you in your values and vision as you identify and prioritize the bold actions you can take towards bringing equity to life. These strategies evolve from a practice of ongoing values clarification, strategic conversations and a growing racial equity analysis.
We will guide you through an intentional practice that moves your group through reflection, connection, listening and learning, so you can manifest an impactful, innovative and always evolving equity action plan.

Spiral Path Offerings

Receive coaching and technical assistance

Issues will come up along the way of your equity journey. The more you learn, the more new (and deeper) questions will emerge. We offer coaching and technical assistance to accompany you on your path.